Saturday 19 February 2011

Monday Night / Localism

Roles/actions needed within the community

With localism unfolding, what roles will need to be developed within the community in order to support local plan making?
10 possible roles have been identified and they have been written up in the approximate order they will be needed.

A community group or forum –     this will need to be developed from existing local groups, consensus may need to be sought where there are conflicting groups.

A research team -                 In order to develop an effective community plan research into what currently exists will be needed.

Guidance when identifying community assets – The community will need to establish
what they value as community assets in order to know whether they want to acquire them or not.

Architectural advice –           If decisions are to be made about the physical appearance of developments, knowledge developed during an architectural training will be needed.

Planning advice social and physical – Local plans will require an awareness of both
the social and physical implications of plans.  Some one with a planning background will be best placed to advise on this.
A planner architect?

Translation services –           To insure that the community engages everyone regardless of their linguistic background.

Administrator or secretary -      To provide continuity and rigorous monitoring of local plan and community group activities.

A bursar –                       Local finance will have to be managed/monitored at a local level.

Legal advice –                   To ensure at all stages that the plan is carried out within the required legal parameters.

Long term management –           Long term continuity will be needed to monitor the local plan and ensure it can withstand demographic and political changes within the community.

Add/amend as you wish!

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